Tuesday, December 17, 2013

When I'm not gluing - I'm blogging? really?

Ok, here we go. I've been asked repeatedly by the powers at be to BLOG. Here goes. Please excuse the typos, incorrect grammar, etc...   I post on FB, Pin, Twit, Instagram, and i forget what else... I'm overwhelmed by all the dif platforms to keep up with... I'm no author or writer, I have worked my way in to an amazing career and still can't believe THIS is my day job. I am called many things - a professional bedazzler, a blinger, (excuse me while i throw up in my mouth a little) lol.. You can call me what you want, but the price is still the same. It's simple really. I make sparkly shit happen on a level that only Ninjas rank. 

This is why they call me the Crystal Ninja.